
#include <eglib/display/ssd1331.h>

Display width


Display height


enum ssd1331_column_address_mapping

Column address mapping.


RAM Column 0 to 95 maps to Pin Seg (SA,SB,SC) 0 to 95.


RAM Column 0 to 95 maps to Pin Seg (SA,SB,SC) 95 to 0.

enum ssd1331_com_scan

COM scan (where N is the multiplex ratio).


Scan from COM0 to COM[N-1].


Scan from COM[N-1] to COM0.

enum ssd1331_color_format

Color format.


256 color.


65k color.

enum ssd1331_display_mode

Display mode.


Normal display


Entire display ON, all pixels turn ON at GS63.


Entire display OFF, all pixels turn OFF.


Inverse display.



Configuration for ssd1331.

See also


uint8_t color_a_contrast

Contrast for color “A” segment (Pins: SA0-SA95). RESET=128.

uint8_t color_b_contrast

Contrast for color “B” segment (Pins: SA0-SA95). RESET=128.

uint8_t color_c_contrast

Contrast for color “C” segment (Pins: SA0-SA95). RESET=128.

uint8_t second_pre_charge_speed_for_color_a

Second pre-charge speed for color A. Default value equals to color_a_contrast.

uint8_t second_pre_charge_speed_for_color_b

Second pre-charge speed for color B. Default value equals to color_b_contrast.

uint8_t second_pre_charge_speed_for_color_c

Second pre-charge speed for color C. Default value equals to color_c_contrast.

enum ssd1331_column_address_mapping column_address_mapping

Column address mapping (mirror horizontally).

_Bool left_right_swapping_on_com

Left-right swapping on COM.

enum ssd1331_com_scan com_scan

COM scan (mirror vertically).

_Bool com_split_odd_even

COM split odd even.

enum ssd1331_color_format color_format

Color format. If 9/18bit mode is selected, color depth will be fixed to 65k.

uint8_t display_offset

Mapping of display start line to one of COM0-63.

uint8_t phase1_period

Phase 1 period in N DCLK (1-15). RESET=7.

uint8_t phase2_period

Phase 2 period in N DCLK (1-15). RESET=4.

uint8_t clock_divider

Divide ratio (D) of the display clocks (DCLK (1-16)). RESET=0.

uint8_t oscillator_frequency

Fosc frequency. RESET=13.

uint8_t * grayscale_table

When set to NULL, use linear gray scale table.

When set to not NULL, uses this gray scale table from GS1 to GS63.

uint8_t pre_charge_level

Set pre-charge voltage level from 0.10*Vcc (0) to 0x50*Vcc (31). RESET=31.

uint8_t v_comh

COM deselect voltage level (V COMH) from 0.44*Vcc (0) to 0.83*Vcc (31). RESET=3.

Pre-baked configurations

ssd1331_config_t ssd1331_config_adafruit_65k_colors

Configuration for Adafruit OLED Breakout Board - 16-bit Color 0.96” w/microSD holder.

Values extracted from Adafruit’s example code.


this configuration should work just fine with “generic” SSD1331 boards that can be easily found on eBay or Aliexpress.

ssd1331_config_t ssd1331_config_adafruit_256_colors

Variant of ssd1331_config_adafruit_65k_colors with only 256 colors instead of 65k.

ssd1331_config_t ssd1331_config_buydisplay_65k_colors

Configuration for Buy Display module.

Values extracted from Buy Display’s example code.

ssd1331_config_t ssd1331_config_buydisplay_256_colors

Variant of ssd1331_config_buydisplay_65k_colors with only 256 colors instead of 65k.


const display_t ssd1331

SSD1331 display driver.

This driver supports the following data buses:

  • 4-Wire SPI.

See also


See also


const display_t ssd1331_overclock

Variant of ssd1331 which sets the SPI bus to 21.27Mhz. The datasheet states that the maximum bus speed is 6.66MHz, so mileage may vary when using this.


These functions can be used exclusively with eglib_t initialized with ssd1331 or ssd1331_overclock.

void ssd1331_SetMasterCurrent(eglib_t * eglib, uint8_t value)

Set master current attenuation factor from 0 (1/16) to 15 (16/16).

This effectively controls the how dim / bright the display is.

void ssd1331_SetDisplayStartLine(eglib_t * eglib, uint8_t line)

Set the display start line from 0 to 63.

This controls vertical scrolling.

void ssd1331_SetDisplayMode(eglib_t * eglib, enum ssd1331_display_mode mode)

Set display mode

void ssd1331_SetDimMode(eglib_t * eglib, uint8_t color_a_contrast, uint8_t color_b_contrast, uint8_t color_c_contrast, uint8_t pre_charge_voltage)

Set Dim mode.

  • color_a_contrast – Contrast setting for color A.

  • color_b_contrast – Contrast setting for color B.

  • color_c_contrast – Contrast setting for color C.

  • pre_charge_voltge – Precharge voltage setting (0-31). Setting this to~15 should keep contrast tame with for low contrast values.

void ssd1331_DrawLine(eglib_t * eglib, uint8_t x1, uint8_t y1, uint8_t x2, uint8_t y2)

Similar to eglib_DrawLine(), draw a line using color from index 0. It draws directly to display memory using a graphic accelerated command. Coordinates must be inside the display area.

void ssd1331_DrawFrame(eglib_t * eglib, coordinate_t x, coordinate_t y, coordinate_t width, coordinate_t height)

Similar to eglib_DrawFrame(), draw a frame using color from index 0. It draws directly to display memory using a graphic accelerated command. Coordinates must be inside the display area.

void ssd1331_DrawBox(eglib_t * eglib, coordinate_t x, coordinate_t y, coordinate_t width, coordinate_t height)

Similar to eglib_DrawBox(), draw a box using color from index 0. It draws directly to display memory using a graphic accelerated command. Coordinates must be inside the display area.


4-Wire SPI

#include <eglib.h>
#include <eglib/display/frame_buffer.h>
#include <eglib/display/ssd1331.h>
#include <eglib/hal/four_wire_spi/libopencm3_stm32f4.h>
#include <libopencm3/stm32/gpio.h>
#include <libopencm3/stm32/rcc.h>
#include <libopencm3/stm32/spi.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
	eglib_t eglib;
	eglib_t *eglib_ssd1331;

	four_wire_spi_libopencm3_stm32f4_config_t  four_wire_spi_libopencm3_stm32f4_config = {
		// rst
		.rcc_rst = RCC_GPIOA,
		.port_rst = GPIOA,
		.gpio_rst = GPIO4,
		// cd
		.rcc_dc = RCC_GPIOA,
		.port_dc = GPIOA,
		.gpio_dc = GPIO3,
		// cs
		.rcc_cs = RCC_GPIOA,
		.port_cs = GPIOA,
		.gpio_cs = GPIO2,
		// spi
		.rcc_spi = RCC_SPI1,
		.spi = SPI1,
		// sck
		.rcc_sck = RCC_GPIOA,
		.port_sck = GPIOA,
		.gpio_sck = GPIO5,
		// mosi
		.rcc_mosi = RCC_GPIOA,
		.port_mosi = GPIOA,
		.gpio_mosi = GPIO7,

		&four_wire_spi_libopencm3_stm32f4, &four_wire_spi_libopencm3_stm32f4_config,
		&ssd1331, &ssd1331_config_buydisplay_65k_colors

	for(uint16_t y=0;y<SSD1331_HEIGHT;y++) {
		uint8_t v;
		v = y / ((float)SSD1331_HEIGHT-1) * 255;
		eglib_SetIndexColor(&eglib, 0, v, v, v);
		eglib_DrawLine(&eglib,0, y, SSD1331_WIDTH, y);

	eglib_SetIndexColor(&eglib, 0, 255, 255, 255);
	eglib_DrawVLine(&eglib, SSD1331_WIDTH/2, 0, SSD1331_HEIGHT);

	eglib_SetIndexColor(&eglib, 0, 255, 0, 0);
	eglib_DrawLine(&eglib, 0, 0, SSD1331_WIDTH-1, SSD1331_HEIGHT/2);

	eglib_SetIndexColor(&eglib, 0, 0, 255, 0);
	eglib_DrawLine(&eglib,0, 0, SSD1331_WIDTH-1, SSD1331_HEIGHT-1);

	eglib_SetIndexColor(&eglib, 0, 0, 0, 255);
	eglib_DrawLine(&eglib,0, 0, SSD1331_WIDTH/2, SSD1331_HEIGHT-1);

	// Accelerated versions

	eglib_SetIndexColor(&eglib, 0, 0, 255, 255);
	ssd1331_DrawLine(&eglib, 0, 63, 95, 0);

	eglib_SetIndexColor(&eglib, 0, 255, 255, 0);
	ssd1331_DrawFrame(&eglib, 10, 20, 10, 20);

	eglib_SetIndexColor(&eglib, 0, 255, 0, 255);
	ssd1331_DrawFrame(&eglib, 0, 16, 95, 32);

	eglib_SetIndexColor(&eglib, 0, 255, 255, 255);
	ssd1331_DrawBox(&eglib, 40, 20, 40, 20);

	eglib_SetIndexColor(&eglib, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	ssd1331_DrawFrame(&eglib, 22, 20, 10, 20);